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Hey there, I'm Sara

Thanks so much for visiting my site, un-settle. The idea behind un-settle is very dear to my heart and something I want to share and communicate to everyone that I can.

un-settling, to me, is about living your life to the fullest, and not in the simplistic "carpe diem" kind of way. Living your life has a lot more depth to it than that. I believe it's about pushing yourself to do things that aren't easy, to picture your life 5, 10, 20 years down the line and critically thinking about what you want it to look like, and how decisions you make today can make that a reality. It's about what you want your children to tell their children about the person you are and the life you lived. 


I left America in June 2018 to live in Italy and figure out what was missing, what I needed most in order to feel great about my life, and learn more about myself. I've visited amazing places, met incredible people, and have had experiences I'll take with me for the rest of my life. Share in my triumphs, realizations, and experiences here!



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