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Copenhagen, Denmark

I was fortunate enough to visit Copenhagen, Denmark for 5 days this past week and, spoiler, I fell in love with the city! I've mostly...

Finding Daily Beauty: Chiuduno

Two weeks ago, I took a trip to Chiuduno, a small hill town in Bergamo, Italy. For those of you who've never heard of Chiuduno (i.e....

Italy vs. America: Daily Life

So far, my #italyvsamerica posts have been super specific. But, of course, there are many differences in the day to day life in each...

Sleeping in Airports

So you're thinking you want to sleep in an airport before an early flight to save some money? Okay, I hear you: but first, here are some...

Street Art: Firenze

As someone who called Philadelphia her home for almost 8 years, I'm used to seeing a lot of street art on the reg, and a lot of good...

Italy vs. America: Sustainability

For this month's #italyvsamerica segment, I want to talk about sustainability. It's probably no shock to hear that European countries are...


I don’t know about you, but I tend to struggle with anxiety and unnecessary worry and stress in my day to day life. If something happens...

Italy vs. America: Education

This past week marked 5 months in Italy for me. Can you believe it? I’ve lived in Italy before (in 2012, I spent a semester in Rome while...

Venezia in l'estate

#venezia #venice #travel #travelblogging #solotravel

Stress-free and Chillin'

Being an American transplant in Europe-- Italy, specifically-- has had it's perks. Namely, very positive effects on my anxiety and stress...

Rainy Day Vibes

Yesterday was the first rainy day I’ve experienced in almost 3 months. It made me so so excited for cooler weather. I walked around in...

Finding Daily Joy

I've been thinking about the word "joy" lately. I've always been one to seek happiness, going so far as to put on bucket lists throughout...

The Pits & Peaks of Traveling Solo

Recently I had a conversation with some new and some old friends about traveling, and everyone seemed to be saying they were thankful for...

Roadside Poppies

Red red speckles on undulating green from the dirt, from the concrete you thrive turning you face toward the sky, whispering, "look at...

A fruitful trip to Parma

I made it to Parma-- my future home! I came down here via 3 trains to look for apartments, explore, and meet my new bosses, and man was...

Inaugural travel post: Diano d'Alba

'Sup I'm in Italy and it's incredible. Northern Italy is probably the most beautiful place. I made it to Italy a few days ago and I'm...

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