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  • Writer's pictureSara Gatti

Finding Daily Beauty: Chiuduno

Chiuduno, Bergamo, Italy

Two weeks ago, I took a trip to Chiuduno, a small hill town in Bergamo, Italy. For those of you who've never heard of Chiuduno (i.e. basically everyone), Chiuduno is in northern Italy, so much so that you can see the Alps from wherever you are, provided you're facing north. There isn't much tourism to Chiuduno and there are only about 5,000 residents, so it's a pretty sleepy town that would likely get passed over on the way to better-known cities like Milan or Venice. However, there was a lot to appreciate in Chiuduno and I'm so happy I decided to go to see a cat show. Yes, I went to a cat show. I'm a cat lady, leave me alone.

Since Chiuduno is such a quiet, little town, I felt calm and very aware of everything around me. I noticed things I likely wouldn't notice in a larger city with more distractions, and this proved to be the reason why I fell in love so quickly with Chiuduno. I thought back to a post I wrote over the summer about finding daily joy in little things. That sentiment also extends to finding the beauty in things that aren't in-your-face beautiful. For example, the landscape in Chiuduno was of course breathtaking: the Alps were in the distance, the entire town was carved into the side of a hill, and there was a gorgeous panoramic view from the top. But for me, what was most beautiful were the little things, like the tile house numbers, ancient architectural details on each home, and the vivid colors everywhere I looked.

A little nook carved out of the exterior of a house on a very sloped street

I'm still in awe of the colors in this bush!

This trip reminded me to take time to notice and appreciate the little things I see daily, because around every corner, there are remarkable things to be found! In the monotony of everyday life, it's easy to get swept up and not notice all the beauty around you-- I'm guilty of this also. This week, I hope you all can take a second each day to stop and look around and enjoy your surroundings!

Buona settimana avanti!

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1 Comment

Marsha Lippincott
Feb 10, 2019

I loved this post and the pics. Thank you for allowing me with you on this journey. Slowing down and having eyes and a heart wide open is the only way to live . Love you

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