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Copenhagen, Denmark

I was fortunate enough to visit Copenhagen, Denmark for 5 days this past week and, spoiler, I fell in love with the city! I've mostly...

Finding Daily Beauty: Chiuduno

Two weeks ago, I took a trip to Chiuduno, a small hill town in Bergamo, Italy. For those of you who've never heard of Chiuduno (i.e....

Street Art: Firenze

As someone who called Philadelphia her home for almost 8 years, I'm used to seeing a lot of street art on the reg, and a lot of good...

Venezia in l'estate

#venezia #venice #travel #travelblogging #solotravel

Stress-free and Chillin'

Being an American transplant in Europe-- Italy, specifically-- has had it's perks. Namely, very positive effects on my anxiety and stress...

The Pits & Peaks of Traveling Solo

Recently I had a conversation with some new and some old friends about traveling, and everyone seemed to be saying they were thankful for...

A fruitful trip to Parma

I made it to Parma-- my future home! I came down here via 3 trains to look for apartments, explore, and meet my new bosses, and man was...

Inaugural travel post: Diano d'Alba

'Sup I'm in Italy and it's incredible. Northern Italy is probably the most beautiful place. I made it to Italy a few days ago and I'm...

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