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  • Writer's pictureSara Gatti

Inaugural travel post: Diano d'Alba

Updated: Jun 10, 2018

'Sup I'm in Italy and it's incredible.

Diano d'Alba, Italy

Northern Italy is probably the most beautiful place.

I made it to Italy a few days ago and I'm still getting my footing, which is hard when you're in a place that is SO BEAUTIFUL your knees are constantly weak for the scenery. Send help, thanks.

The last time I was in Diano d'Alba was a little over 6 years ago to visit my family (who I'm currently staying with). They are the most kind, generous people I think I've ever met and I really hope they come to America (when I'm back there) so I can return the favor of hospitality and generosity. They are wonderful hosts and I am loving my stay so far! I plan to be here until the end of the month, with the exception of 4 days in Parma and 6 days in Liguria, which I will of course post about.

Along with travel posts, I'll be sharing what it was like to get a Visa, Italian government and bureaucracy, apartment hunting, becoming fluent in Italian, poetry, and everything else.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with a few more photos from just 2.5 days of living here:

Please look at those tomatoes.
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